Monday, September 27, 2010

Here's the problem...

Alright All, I've been watching House Hunters like crazy and it's so much fun because it gets me motivated to some day own a home of our own. I know we have a few steps to go to get there, but it'll happen. We don't have any rich relatives to help us, or any type of savings or trust funds from being a kid. Neither of us has been to college (more about that later), but both of us are hard workers, and we have to build up/fix our credit. BUT it can happen and it is happening. Anyway, here's the problem living in Durango. THIS is the type of house you can buy here for $150,000....

Totally disappointing. Now, Durango is BEAUTIFUL. Huge mountains (duh, Rockies...), super blue sky, gorgeous seasons (Winter's a little TOO long for me, though), and it's a decent sized town. And THAT'S why it's so expensive to live here. THAT'S why you have to live in a trailer or an apartment if you aren't uber rich. Also, Durango is at least 500 miles from ANYWHERE so if you're going to live here of course your going to pay the cost because you have to, because all around us is either desolate desert or desolate forest.

Ok, back to House Hunters....
House Hunters is awesome because they show you different places of the country and also gives you a glimpse of what you can get for your money in those areas. Now, keep in mind that I've never been East of Colorado, so I don't know what I'm talking about. But this morning I was watching one where a family was relocating from Georgia to Nashville, TN, and I personally am offended that Durango can get away with selling run-down trailers when you can live in a beautiful area for less. Example: THIS is what $150,000 can get you in the Nashville area...


These houses also aren't EVEN $150,000! They're all around $100,000. LAME! They're totally cute! Not huge (I've NEVER wanted a huge house, too much work, and not at all intimate. I'd rather it be super cool and perfect and too big.) But they are all 2 or 3 bedrooms, with 2+ baths. I'm so over Durango.
Really the only reason I'm still here is my mom, and Zack. Now, Zack I might be able to convince to move somewhere. I think his main reason for not wanting to move is he's already so established here. Everyone knows him, I think he's sort of afraid to be the new kid. But my mom is a different story. She's a self-proclaimed matriarch. She'd be so mad if we moved. Especially now that we have Greyson. But what am I supposed to do, live somewhere I'm not really into for the rest of my life because it's where my mom is? People grow up and move away from home. My mom moved away from her mom when we moved here. God forbid that I'm 40 before I get the guts to move away from my mom. That's another 20 years of mediocre-ness. I'm not into it. I want to GO. I guess I need to make myself a motivation board or something so I don't lose this steam. That's my problem too. I get all amped up about something (i.e. girlFriday, school, different projects) and then I lose my steam. I don't lose interest in it, I just get lazy. I have to work on that. Maybe we need to save as much money as possible for the next 2 years and see where we are. Maybe I need to by hypnotized to NOT spend money. I'm terrible with "things". I love "things". And that's a problem. In fact I need to get rid of a lot of my "things". I'm selling some stuff on ebay as we speak actually. Ok enough of my tangent. Point is, Durango's ripping us off and I won't stand for it anymore. We're paying in rent what we would be paying on a house payment somewhere else. Sucks. I want out.

So I need ideas! Where would you move if you could move anywhere???


  1. Bethany Beach Delaware... no sales tax! haha and its beautiful and I practically grew up on those beaches... but I totally understand what you mean bout Durango ripping us off. I can't tell you how many prayers I've said in thanks for the house we have.. but really its gonna take a lot more time and money to get it right. I would miss you guys so much if you moved, but I would understand... and visit! and I'm the worst with "things" as well. Also keep in mind, those house's in TN may look nice in pictures, but they could be run down on the inside, or in a bad area....

  2. Durango!!!!lol Medford, Oregon... Hawaii well, you said anywhere :)

  3. Hey girl! I love reading your blogs :) I TOTALLY understand! I loved moving away from Oregon to Durango to try something new (and I only knew Tony when I moved so it was HUGE step) but I needed out of Durango (for many reasons, but one definitely being cost...) Yes we moved to Oregon where my family is but we're doing everything on our own. Portland is a great place (we live in Gresham, about 15 minutes away) so we're in the suburbs within reach of the city. But I'm also biased.... ;) I'm the same about things (I love buying things for my home and decorating/ organizing things) and the cool thing about Oregon is that we have no sales tax :) But I'm SUCH a fan of going somewhere completely new and just trying. You will never know what is out there unless you give it a try! I also love the house shows... ;) I cannot wait to buy our own home! We're currently looking now and it's such a fun process! Good luck with everything!
