Monday, October 25, 2010

Alright Amy, I'll do it!

So Amy posted a 50 Random Things list not long ago and requested her readers to do the same. So here it is! And if you're my friend and you have a blog, you should do it too. Especially if you're bored and/or procrastinating chores like me!

1) I've realized that I don't finish ANYTHING! I get all pumped up over something, start the process and lose steam. i.e. I'm supposed to clean the house today (personal goal) and I've only done the dishes.

2) I really really really want to get really really really good at sewing. I'd love to make clothes, blankets, stuffed animals, etc...

3) I can say in all modesty that I make great scrambled eggs.

4) I also know why IHOPs eggs are so yummy.

5) I scoop the finishing dollop out of butter, frosting, etc first

6) I rarely read anything besides fiction.

7) Rice Krispies Treats are about 10x better than any other dessert you could think of.

8) Some day I will have ducks and a potbelly pig (or a dwarf pig, have you seen those? They're SO cute.)

9) My son is cuter than you and he knows it. Right now he's cooing at laughing at his mirror self.

10) I subscribe to Country Living magazine which is a little embarrassing because recently they've enlarged the print and they have ads for incontinence and kitty litter.

11) I heart insurance commercials. They're the funniest!

12) I told Zack that someone once told me I would make a good flight attendant and he said "No." I think he thinks that flight attendants are all still slutty.... I think it'd be a cool job if you flew from somewhere cool to somewhere else that was cool.

13) My celebrity crushes do NOT include Edward OR Jacob.

14) They do however include Bear Grylls, Josh Duhamel, Mike Rowe, and Paul Walker.

15) I like daisies best. Simply pretty. And tough.

16) If I could be sure about my financial future I would have at LEAST 4 kids.

17) I would really like to move somewhere other than Durango. But if you read my blog at all you already knew that.

18) My favorite place in the world so far is Santa Barbara, CA.

19) I will do anything to not have to leave my son with a nanny or a sitter or a day care.

20) I'm guilty of watching Desperate Housewives.

21) I really should be cleaning the laundry room or doing the dishes or rearranging the bedroom right now. Oh well...

22) I AM twenty-two.... weird.

23) I used to be the most sensitive person I know and I don't know when that changed but I hardly ever cry. At least not when anyone's looking.

24) I have too much clutter. I'm constantly giving things to the thrift store yet my house doesn't seem any different.

25) The cashier at Walmart yesterday and I have the same exact birthday. I've only ever met one other person in my life with the same exact birthday as me. Weird how I will probably never see that person again and yet I remember them because of that.

26) I think you'd call my home decorating something along the lines of "Whatever-the-hell-I-think-I-like-right-now".

27) I technically have 4 brothers. I also have a sister.

28) I've realized that I AM creative, it's just a matter of laziness to create.

29) I hate the following chores the most: Cleaning the bathroom, doing the dishes, putting away laundry, and grating cheese.

30) The scary thing in my and Zack's relationship is that I'm the financially responsible one.

31) I am a good cook. I've never made anything inedible. Zack says there was one thing I made he didn't like but he can't remember what it was.

32) I've burned bridges that I wish I hadn't.

33) I wish I liked wine. It's supposed to be so good for you and it's a very strong a feminine thing to like. I know it's an acquired taste, so I'll try to acquire it.

34) I strive on chaos. I work best under pressure.

35) I hate the snow. And it's on its way.

36) One reason I didn't go to college is I can't justify paying for school when I can't settle on one thing that I'd like to do!

37) How come all the pretty and cheap houses are in BFE? Because no one wants to live there....

38) I really want and claw foot tub someday.

39) There's no way I'll ever allow a stuffed (as in used-to-be-alive) animal in my house.

40) We didn't get to go to the pumpkin patch this year. And I'm surprised at how much that disappoints me.

41) I wish I could believe in Church enough to go to it. Maybe I just haven't found the right one that speaks to me.

42) Again, there's too much crap in my house.

43) I'll be one of the first people to go up and talk to someone new but I also have terrible stage fright.

44) Zack and I plan on getting tattoos this Christmas.

45) I really would like a personal bookkeeper where I just give her all my money and she pays the bills with it and gives me what's left over. I need structure.

46) I wish I could live in the forties but I wouldn't want to give up modern feminine hygiene products. Have you seen what ladies used to have to do/where??

47) I so love Etsy.

48) If I could afford to go to school I would in a heartbeat. My only hesitation is having to leave Greyson in daycare.

49) I really want to raid my husband's Tshirts so I can cut them up for myself!

50) Right about this time last year I had just found out I was pregnant.

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