Friday, October 29, 2010

Scared Girl = A Girl Turned On?

See, now I don't think that's true. You've heard the rumor: About the girl who goes on a scary movie date and is easily persuaded to give it up before the night is over. I don't think it's the being scared that triggers that in my fellow females, I think it's the being rescued. RESCUED Girl = A Girl Turned On. Just because we're Modern doesn't mean that we aren't damsels-in-distress. Have you EVER read a book where the woman is saved from life-snatching creature by dish-able guy and she just pecks him on the cheek and says "Thanks!" and trots off? No. Doesn't happen. It's being in the arms of your Protector and Savior that does it. So, guys, if you don't like scary movies but you like your woman, you just gotta have to learn to like the ghosts because girls like to be comforted by strong arms that could ward off the Scaries. Unless of course you happen to be the Creep, which probably won't ever happen because she wouldn't go out with you in the first place if you were.

Just with it being Halloween (almost) and all the scary movies that are on had me thinking. And I'm guilty of it too. Nothing like relief and the aftershock of adrenaline mixed with hormones to get you closer. The only type of scary I DON'T like is the gory stuff. I don't want to be grossed out. Suspense I can do, and supernatural stuff. But I don't want to have to watch someone eat brains or jump-rope with entrails. NO one wants to kiss after throwing up.

Just FYI!