Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear 2010

Dear 2010,

I know we've had our differences (i.e. you've given me mountains of debt and a stretched out body) but I'm willing to overlook these things because you also have given me a beautiful and sweet and wonderful baby and I can't imagine loving ANYTHING more than him. Also, I've been able to tack a few new friends on to your credit, so thank you very much for them.

And thank you for giving me to opportunity to stay at home as much as I can so I can watch all of Greyson's growing. We're sooooo much more broke because of it but we can't have our cake and eat it too.... I guess. Weird saying.

Anyway, if this letter sounds like I'm going to be moving on with my life then it's a good letter, because I am. We've had some good times and some bad times, but mostly it comes down to we just can't live in the same decade together. We're so different. I'm looking at tomorrow and you can only focus on the last 12 months of our relationship. As of midnight tonight, I'm going forward.

It's been real.


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