Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Plea to the House Gods

(Prepare for rambling...)

Dear House Gods,

I've lived in more houses in my relatively short life than I can count on both hands. And now that I have my son, all I want is a place where he can come home and feel stable and secure. A home he won't be embarrassed to bring his friends. Somewhere I can paint a room and put all my effort into making it comfortable without having to wonder if I'm going to have to do it all over again in some other house. I want to make curtains and not have to make them extra-long just in case I have to shorten them in our next house. Is it too much to ask to help us get and nice, clean, decent house in a safe neighborhood and one that's also affordable? I'm so sick of paying up the "you-know-what" for an effing craphole. I want to choose carpet, I want to get furniture, I want to come home and feel relaxed and not stagnant. I actually WANT to live somewhere where I come home and Greyson and the dogs have stained the carpet and I get mad! I want those experiences! I want to actually live somewhere that has a working dishwasher! Did you know I've NEVER used a dishwasher in my life?! Where we are now has a dishwasher but something's busted and it's never worked. I want Greyson to not have to change schools all the time jsut because our lease was up and we had to move to the other side of town.  Maybe if we lived somewhere cheaper we could actually get OUT of debt instead of it just acruing and acruing because we keep drowning. We just keep scrambling. I'm sick of scrambling. It's like that feeling you get right before you cry. All that pressure is just building up and up and sooner or later you either pull yourself together so things can get better or all hell breaks loose.

So please please please help us get these things!


  1. It will happen for you one day!! Until then, think of all the great things that comes with renting a house. If something breaks or goes out..you just pick up the phone to make it better! Keep your chin up. I know you know Im gonna say this so I might as well say it..you can have a beautiful home here for seriously like $700 a month ANNNND lots of family! Love you girl!!!

  2. I'm sorry, Christal! I can feel how unhappy you are through this post. There are pros and cons to renting AND to owning a house, as I'm sure you know. We are house hunting right now and it will actually be CHEAPER for us to be in a house than to be renting our town house!! I mean, our home right now is absolutely gorgeous and I love the location, but holy heck, it's expensive! But then you also have to think what your budget would be for a home and then what homes are in that range. Sometimes, you have to do a TON of work on them in order to get them up to where you even want it and that costs lots of money. So it's definitely give and take. But I have always dreamed of having my own house and doing whatever I wanted to it! I agree about having kids in a stable place - I hope for that too. We never know our future though, so just keep a positive state of mind and you can be shocked at things that will happen for you! :)

  3. Amy - I know I know I know, and actually we aren't as opposed to the idea as we used to be. Actually, I'm warming up to it, and Zack is surrendering. I was actually looking at houses in your neck of the woods today and it's 2x as expensive to RENT here than it is to BUY there! So... who knows? We've been talking. And Danielle - you're right, there are pros and cons, but I want somewhere that's MINE, so I'll put up with the cons. It'll happen!
