Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Did I Get So Lucky?

Month THREE is well under way with being a mom. Greyson is almost 10 weeks old already, and he's just awesome. He sleeps most of the night - only getting up 2x to eat and/or for a change. He rarely cries - only when he's hungry or wants to change position. AND he's super cute! I can't get over it! He also looks like a complete boy. I say this as a mom and as a by-stander with absolute modesty: He's a good lookin' kid. Even with a trail of spit-up down his shirt....

Also I'm surprised by how easy it was to transition into being grossed out. I guess when you love something you just do it, no matter how smelly, sticky, wet, messy, or gross. Did you know that before Greyson was born I'd never had to change one poopy diaper? I'd always get whoever else was with me to do it. And NOW I get concerned if he wakes up and takes more than 2 hours of awake time to poo. I've been peed on, puked on, and 2 weeks ago I was pooped on. And what worse, is I just wipe it off and keep going. When I was pooped on we were about to go to the store and didn't have time to change (we weren't home, we were visiting Aunt Amy in Phoenix) so I went to the store with a yellow spot on my jeans. Oh well. I guess when you see poo a million times a day it doesn't gross you out, PLUS it's just baby breastmilk poo, which is sooooo mild. I guess in a couple months when he starts eating human food (lol) it'll start getting gross. I'm sure I'll get used to that too.

We went to Phoenix about 2 weeks ago and it was Greyson's first plane ride, and he did great! He slept the whole flight there and even though he was awake on the flight home he only fussed once when he was hungry which was easily remedied. After all, aside from all the love what's a new mom if not a wonderfully warm and squishy and more importantly portable vending machine? But the trip was great, Greyson got to meet his AZ Grandparents who loved him and the rest of the AZ family. Almost all the little cousins were there (we missed our cousin from Utah, Henry) and a bunch of other family from Zack's Stepmom Pam. It was her surprise birthday weekend and it was so cool to meet and re-meet the lot of them! We have SEVEN little boys in the family. How cool! Including one who was also born earlier this year, Reid. I'm hoping he and Greyson will be good friends.
Also I've been trying my hand at being a SAHM (stay at home mom) and taking care of Greyson is easy, it's housework that sucks. But I get to spend every second with My Lil Hunny and I'm so grateful. Money's been tight, to say the least. For example we are paying this month's rent in installments (thanks to wonderful landlords). But if all goes as planned I will be working come October. I'm getting a business up and running called girlFriday, Durango. For those of you who don't know what a Girl Friday is, it's a "female assistant with a wide range of duties, a right-hand woman". So basically I'm going to go to different offices and do all their Etc-type work. Like filing, cleaning, errands, data-entry, and whatever else they need me to. The only catch is I'm bringing Greyson with me. Hopefully I'll get a few consistent gigs (that's all I need really). And who knows? Maybe this will just explode with interest and I can hire people. It's perfect for moms with kids they don't want to/can't afford to put into Day Care. Day Care sucks and it's super expensive. I believe it's good for older toddlers though to get socialized but it sucks for moms. So maybe in the future it could be an option, but right now it's totally not in the cards. I'll do what I have to to keep Greyson home/with me. So anyway, if you know of anyone who needs a little help, even if it's a one-time thing, let me know! ;)

Big news! I can fit into my old jeans!! It's so awesome! But I still feel chubby in my face :( but it could be my hair... I'm trying to grow it out but it's at a really odd length. If my Dad is reading this, Yes, I know there's only one way to remedy chubbiness.

And I'm struggling with a Halloween costume for Greyson. I want us to be related somethings. Like my original idea was he was going to be Gingy from Shrek and I'd be Fiona, but I can't find a gingerbread man outfit for the life of me and am having an even harder time finding warm fabric to make his costume. So I've quit on that idea. Then I thought maybe he could be Dale Jr and I could be his pit crew (I have a racergirl costume that I never wore, but I will have to modify it since I'd be walking around with my baby - it might be a little too.... "cute" for a mommy). Somebody gave him a Dale Jr outfit as a babygift.
Though admittedly we still don't know who it was! We can't figure it out! It just showed up one day with no note or anything or return address (it was delivered right from the company, so who knows...). So if it was you, come forward! I'd love to Thank You for it!

I think Greyson's going to be a righty! He's discovered that he can suck on his fists when his pacifier is MIA and he only sucks on his right one. We thought he might be a lefty since Zack and his mom both were leftys. I guess he still could be but right now all signs point to Right. He's also full of smiles, but they're super hard to catch on camera because the second he sees the camera he gets all serious and focused on what-the-heck-is-mom-pointing-at-me.
But it's so fun to see him smile reactively. He's <  > this close to laughing. I can't wait!

Well I guess that's all my news. Which is pretty good for not writing in 2 months. I'll try to be better at it.

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